The Ontario Federation of Teaching Parents

By joining the Ontario Federation of Teaching Parents, you enable a collective voice for the homeschooling community in Ontario and provide support for the work OFTP does on behalf of homeschooling families across the province. Your membership adds to our numbers, which increases our clout to have an impact. Your membership fee pays for the cost of keeping our website up and running; hotline phone calls, printing and mailing letters and documents sent to government officials, school boards, Children’s Aid Societies, etc.; funding of any special projects we do to help homeschoolers and to educate people about homeschooling. In return, we offer a number of benefits of OFTP membership to our supporters.

Benefits of OFTP Membership:

  1. Access to our Members-only Facebook group, where you can connect with other homeschooling members across the province
  2. A monthly email newsletter (printed format available, if requested)
  3. Access to our archived email newsletters (available in the Members Area of our website)
  4. Invitations to our monthly Guest Speaker series 
  5. Invitations to our monthly virtual Q&A sessions
  6. A homeschooling ID card for your family (student ID cards available for a discount)
  7. Members-only coupons, discounts and special offers from our business community
  8. Access to our annual member directory 
  9. Access to our annual business directory
  10. Invitations to local and provincial in-person events hosted by the OFTP 

We also have smaller memberships for non-active homeschooling families who want to support the OFTP. Please review our

The Ontario Federation of Teaching Parents is an organization that is run entirely by volunteer homeschooling parents who are OFTP Members, just like you! If you are willing to contribute your skills to volunteering to help keep the organization running smoothly for any projects we undertake, your contributions can be other additions to your resume. We hope that you can join us to support the valuable work of the Ontario Federation of Teaching Parents.