The Ontario Federation of Teaching Parents

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Have you decided to Homeschool? The Ontario Federation of Teaching Parents can help guide you.

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"Parents have a prior right to choose the kind of education that shall be given to their children."

Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 26(3)

The OFTP’s Mission is to promote and support homeschooling as a viable and successful education option for families in Ontario.  The organization seeks to provide families with the resources and support they need to ensure that their children receive a quality education that meets their educational goals, while considering their individual needs and interests.

One of the OFTP’s main goals is to provide homeschooling families with information on the legal requirements and regulations for homeschooling in Ontario.  The organization works to ensure that homeschooling families are aware of their rights and responsibilities under the law and that they have access to the support they need to meet these requirements.

In addition to providing legal and regulatory support, the OFTP also offers a wide range of resources for homeschooling families. These include curriculum resources, educational materials, workshops and events, and access to a community of like minded families for support and networking.

The OFTP is also commited to promoting homeschooling as a positive and effective educational option for families in Ontario.  The organization works to dispel common myths and misconceptions about homeschooling and to education the public and other institutions about the benefits of this approach to education.

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